Field Trip: Ikegami-Sone ruins and Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture

Ikegami-sone ruins in Izumi, Osaka prefecture (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Osaka Prefectural Museum is located in the vicinity of the Ikegami-Sone Ruins, one of the largest archaeological sites related to the Yayoi culture. The museum houses important artefacts unearthed from the Ikegami Sone moated circular settlement, which dates from the Yayoi period (300 BCE-300 CE).

Pottery artefact on display

To watch a video clip about the Ikegami excavated finds, click here.

Ikegami-Sone ruins

The Museum also exhibits documents, relics, film and other materials that recreate the life and culture of the Yayoi Period (from around the 3rd- 4th century B.C. to around the 3rd century A.D.). 


Among the museum’s interesting exhibits are an anthropologically restored model of the palace of Himiko, the Queen of Yamataikoku (Click here to watch a video clip of the model of the palace of Queen Himiko on display in one of the museum’s exhibition rooms), and a reproduction of a rice field that depicts realistic scenes of planting and harvesting, based on the results of archaeological and folkloric studies. Find out more about the museum’s exhibits by watching this video clip.

To visit the Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture, see access details below:

Hours: Tue- Sun; 10a.m- 5p.m.

Contact Information

Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture
443 Ikegami-cho, Izumi
594-0083 Osaka

Tel. +8172546216

Website: (Japanese)

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