Haniwa – terracotta figurines [Photo gallery]

Haniwa terracotta figurines from the Tokyo National Museum (at Ueno)

6th c. terracotta of a warrior, Kameyama tumuli, Moka city, Tochigi pref.

6th c. terracotta of a warrior, Kameyama tumuli, Moka city, Tochigi pref.

Fig. 1

Haniwa terracotta figurine of warrior with armour detail

Haniwa terracotta figurine of warrior with armour detail

Fig. 2

Haniwa terracotta figurine of a man sitting cross-legged

Haniwa terracotta figurine of a man sitting cross-legged

Fig. 3

4th c. haniwa figurines of a house with a magnificent hipped gable roof, Sakurai city, Nara

4th c. haniwa figurines of a house with a magnificent hipped gable roof, Sakurai city, Nara

Fig. 4

Haniwa of a luxurious palace with three pavilions, all with saddle-shaped roofs

Haniwa of a luxurious palace with three pavilions, all with saddle-shaped roofs

Fig. 5

Assorted haniwa figurines

Assorted haniwa figurines

Fig. 6

Funerary jar with zoomorphic sculptures

Funerary jar with zoomorphic sculptures

Fig. 7

Funerary pottery ornament with sculptural detail of wrestling figures

Funerary pottery ornament with sculptural detail of wrestling figures

Fig. 8

Funerary jars with zoomorphic motif

Funerary jars with zoomorphic motif

Fig. 9

Assorted funerary ornamental grave goods from Kofun tumuli

Assorted funerary ornamental grave goods from Kofun tumuli

Fig. 10

One response to “Haniwa – terracotta figurines [Photo gallery]

  1. Hi! My grandparents lived in japan. I think I have one of these statues. Where can I find out more?

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